• 身為提供高質量保安服務的機構,皇家保安完全明白保安服務並不能單只以護衛員去滿足前線要求,同時亦要包括售前諮詢、管理層支持、及持續培訓發展。因此,皇家保安為閣下建立了持續支援系統。 我們的客戶服務經理在本行具有不少於十年的豐富經驗,我們將客戶以區域劃分,區域客戶經理會經常探訪客戶,在各項保安服務的問題上交流意見並提供建議或改善。
  • 為了提供『精簡直接服務』,皇家保安會為閣下提供有限度之免費諮詢服務, 從而使閣下於足夠保安知識下做出決定。免費諮詢服務包括:
    1. 場地調查及口頭建議
    2. 程序評核建議
    3. 基本危機評估
    4. 對工作場地保安運作之影響
  • 皇家保安明白客戶與區域代表會面的時間始終有限,所以設立了二十四小時客戶服務熱線,使客戶能在與區域代表會面以外有更多渠道將意見及要求反映,而控制室會把閣下之意見,直接傳達至運作部。
  • As a high quality security service’s institution, we understanding that security service is not only provide a security guard to satisfy the need in the front-line. It must including making enquiry upon sale of products, support by management level and continuing training development. Therefore, we establish a continuing support system to customer.Our customer Manager has at least 10 years working experience, customers will divide into different zones, and our zone customer Manager will always visit customer. For the purpose of exchange different opinion between customer in respect of security service and provide any proposal and improvement.
  • For the purpose of providing “detail direct service”, we provide a limited free enquiry service, to enable customer to make a sufficient security’s decision. Free enquiry service including :
    1. Location inspection and oral opinion
    2. Procedure assessment advice
    3. Basic risk assessment
    4. An affection of security arrangement in working location
  • We understand that as the limitation between our zone representative for interview, therefore we set up a 24 hours customer service hot line. To enable our zone representative to provide different kind of opinion and reflection during the meeting with the customer, and direct transfer the information to our works Department.

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